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Epeka Berlin


Epeka Berlin e.V. is a cultural organisation dedicated to experimentation, education, and production across disciplines. Through a broad range of educational programs, performances, residencies, and exhibitions, Epeka Berlin e.V. intends to transcend disciplinary boundaries to foster a community where alternative modes of thought are activated and supported. We strive to make culture accessible to all, with the specific focus on young people that we’d like to include in all the activities we organise. Our main method of empowerment of communities is through various forms of art. EPEKA Berlin e.V. is a part of larger Epeka Network, with its branches in following countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, UK, Turkey, Austria, Serbia and Czech Republic. The president of EPEKA Berlin e.V. previously worked in EPEKA Slovenia, where he gathered relevant working experience, which he can now put into practice. Although Epeka Berlin is a fairly new organization, its key persons are familiar with EU programmes, like Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe etc., which they coordinated before establishing their own branch.


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© 2022 NEWDIGISHIP Partnerhsip (2022-1-ES02-KA220-YOU- 000086085) - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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